Helpful tips for first time festival campers
Music festivals can be incredibly fun to participate in as they bring thousands of people with similar interests into one place. If you are not used to visiting such festivals, you are probably not aware of just how festival camping actually works and what challenges it may bring about.
Camping at the festival grounds is what most people go for at music festivals as hotels and other accommodations can be pretty expensive and also because they tend to be fully booked during the festivals. This is why festivals tend to be crawling with campers and while camping is a lot more fun than staying at a hotel it is also more challenging.
You will need to make sure you have all the necessary supplies on hand and that you are ready for any unexpected events. Keep reading and find out the most important tips for how to survive camping during a festival and get the absolute best out of it.
Top 5 Hacks for Camping at a Festival
Camping at festival grounds can be tricky if you are not fully prepared. Here are a few helpful hacks and tricks that will help you get into the groove of things and do it the way true festival campers do:
Buy a bigger tent
Getting a tent that is bigger than you actually need is always a good idea. Tents are made with a certain number of people in mind, but they may actually be a bit too small for that number of people. For instance, a two man tent can easily get too small if one person is a bit on the bigger side or if you have some extra equipment.
It is probably a good idea to buy a three person tent for two people or a four person tent if there are three of you so as to avoid such problems. Once you buy your tent, make sure you do at least one test run at pitching it, because you don’t want to be pitching the tent for the first time once you are already at the festival.
Arrive early, not late
Arriving to the festival ground in time is very important. Festival camp sites tend to get very crowded and if you want to have any shot at getting a good spot to pitch your tent or even find one at all, you will need to arrive in time.
Most people will come to the festival on the first day or a day early, so coming there as soon as the festival ground is open to campers will be your best shot at finding the right spot.
Find a good spot
Once you have arrived at the site in time, you will want to choose your spot. Assuming there is plenty of room to choose from, you want to make sure your spot is well away from the walking paths which will be used throughout the nights and also just far enough and close enough to the toilets.
On the one hand, you want to be close enough to a toilette that it does not take you too long to get there, but on the other, you don’t want to feel the nasty smells in your tent. Once you find a spot that is just right, remember to clear the area first of any stones, rocks or other sharp objects which may make sleeping difficult.
Don’t leave stuff behind
Once the festival starts, there will be thousands of people on the ground, and you can bet that some of them are not that honest. For that reason, make sure that all your valuable objects, including your money, your phone and cameras are always on you.
Remember that at a festival, no one is responsible for any stuff you leave in your tent and tents are extremely easy to break into, so any potential thieves will have an easy time of robbing you if you leave stuff behind. Also remember to mark your tent in some recognizable way so you don’t forget where you are camped.
Bring food and water
While you can in theory buy all the food and water you need at the camp, they are likely to be quite expensive and the line may get long at times. This is why you want to make sure you have plenty of food and water ready in your tent so you don’t have to overpay for it or wait forever to get some.
Curing the hangovers
Festivals are not all about music, as there is a fair share of drinking and other stuff going on during the all-night party. Since you are probably going to be drinking a lot, some hangovers are to be expected and since you will be camping, you want to know the most effective ways of getting over the hangover and back on your feet.
If you are wondering how to cure a hangover, we definitely have a few tips. For starters, remember to stay hydrated at all times as dehydration is one of the worst things that happen from a hangover. Next up, remember to bring an anti hangover supplement like Hangover Aid by Vit2Go! to help you deal with your hangover. Finally, remember not to mix too many different drinks and drink the alcohol you know you can handle so as to avoid too bad of a hangover.
If you remember to keep all these tips, you may just survive your hangover without the really nasty side effects and you should be ready for the next day at the festival just in time.