The guarana drink stimulant: What good are energy drinks?
Concentration is important in the office. If you lack concentration sitting in front of the computer, you will make mistakes. And this can become quite expensive. But also after work we want to remain wide awake. Caffeine is an established stimulant which is contained especially in coffee. But also different types of teas – among them black tea – contain this alcaloid.
What both have in common is their tannin content. And coffee contains acids which are not always well tolerated. Energy drinks promise relief. However, those drinks sometimes contain a higher proportion of sugar and other ingredients which nutrition experts sometimes see as undesirable. If an energy drink is taken, then it should be a high-quality guarana drink.
Guarana: The proven stimulant from Brazil
Guarana originally is from South America – more precisely the hinterland of the Amazon. Made from the plant Paullinia cupana, its effect has been known for hundreds of years. At its home, guarana is made from the seeds of the plant, in that the seeds are collected, dried and then ground.
Indians appreciated the reviving effect of the powder a long time ago, and drank it mixed with water and honey. In the 16th Century, Europeans encountered the plant and its usage; the 1950s saw an increasing commercialization.
What effects do guarana energy drinks have? Of course, first of all it’s about the reviving effect. It is achieved through the ingredients in guarana. Among others:
- Caffeine
- Theobromine
- Theophylline
Caffeine should be sufficiently known. However, what are the other two compounds?
Theobromine: This compound is an alcaloid and has a reviving effect. In addition to P. cupana, theobromine is contained also in mate bushes, the cacao plant, or in teas. The effect is described as diuretic and stimulating. Another effect of theobromine, which is known to be contained in dark chocolate, has to do with advantages for the cardio-vascular system [1].
Theophylline: Theophylline also belongs to the alcaloids. For the first time it has been isolated from tea. Regarding its effect, it allows the smooth breathing musculature to slacken. In addition, this compound is said to have anti-inflammatory effects [2].
Today, guarana extract is used to make Guarana Energy Drinks . The manufacture of first soft drinks made from the plant began approximately the beginning of the 20th Century. In this connection, the name of Luis Pereira Barreto appears in source materials. He took an early interest in guarana and its effect on the body.
Among the properties, for which guarana has more strongly entered the German market in the last few years, are the effects of alertness and concentration. In this connection, proponents often refer to the indigenous tribes that are using guarana as a stimulant. This reviving effect is due to ingredients like caffeine.
Is your energy at a low point again? Of course, you can always take energy drinks to the office. However, the cans accumulating next to your desk could lead to some questioning looks at you. Thanks to Natural Energy Booster it’s become simpler – open sachet, put into a glass and fill with at least 100 ml of water. Perfect for starting your day with lots of energy from guarana extract and caffeine.
Guarana Drinks: Lemonade, Syrup or Energy Drink
Today, many people know guarana only from commercially available Guarana Energy Drinks. However, the whole thing got started a bit differently. Luís Pereira Barreto, who is said to have started the first commercial enterprise with guarana, began with a syrup.
Why do many guarana drinks contain sugar?
That’s simple – the pure powder has a somewhat bitter flavor. That would not meet everyone’s taste. Even the indigenous tribes took guarana powder mixed with water and honey.
That guarana energy drinks and syrup are sweetened represents a practical problem. Whoever expects a somewhat bitter aroma will be disappointed with some of the products. The well-intentioned use of sugar could represent a risk. Accordingly, most of the products taste sweet.
This represents an additional problem: Because of the taste of pure guarana, there is an automatic limit to taking in dosages that are too high. However, if the drinks taste sweet, a very high intake of guarana is entirely possible. The subject of ingredients in guarana drinks is a hot potato. This means that you should take a close look at what is actually contained in the drinks.
These days, nobody needs to buy an already mixed guarana drink in a bottle or can. In the meantime, guarana powder is commercially available. This allows you to simply make your own guarana drink. Guarana drink recipes are also available these days so that you can magically create a reviving and refreshing drink with the right ingredients in a glass.
Note: The ingredients in guarana make lemonades and energy drinks into products that are not recommended for children. Because of their lower body weight, it can quickly lead to an overdose.
You can find out which energy drinks contain sugar or sugar-free sweeteners only by taking a look at the ingredient label. Among colleagues or fellow students, these drinks enjoy only limited acceptance. Equally simple to use – but equipped with additional minerals and vitamins – is the Natural Energy Booster. Mix it simply in a glass with more than 100 ml of water, and you’ll have a classic, ready-to-drink alternative which makes it easier to keep the dosage correct than guarana powder. By the way: Each sachet also contains vitamins to strengthen immunity.

Lose weight with guarana drinks
Guarana is not just a stimulant. In recent years, biochemists and physicians have examined guarana’s effect on adiposeness. This means that, today, guarana is getting more focus as an aid in weight loss. [3]. In studies, scientists have been able to discover an appetite-controlling effect as well as a positive influences of guarana on the metabolism. [4, 5].
To generalize an anti-adipose (weight loss) effect from these studies and call guarana a miracle remedy against excess poundage, is not recommended. Background: To reach such an effect, it is possible that dosages may have to be taken that can lead to undesirable side effects. To lose weight without dietary changes and exercise is really not possible.
But: Starting with the findings on the effect of caffeine on athletic performance, and the fact that guarana contains this alcaloid, positive effects on performance can be expected. In the past, various studies on caffeine have definitely found performance-enhancing effects on endurance sports [6].
In order to boost sports performance, taking just guarana or caffeine is not sufficient. Through perspiration, your body loses important minerals which you have to replace. Each sachet contains, among other things, magnesium and a refreshing flavor which you can simply mix in a glass with at least 100 ml water (or another liquid). If you are experiencing a slump after a night of partying, there is a remedy for hangover [remedy for hangover] with Hangover Aid.
[1] Kerimi A, Williamson G. The cardiovascular benefits of dark chocolate. Vascul Pharmacol. 2015 Aug;71:11-5. doi: 10.1016/j.vph.2015.05.011. Epub 2015 May 27.
[2] Theophylline inhibits cigarette smoke-induced inflammation in skeletal muscle by upregulating HDAC2 expression and decreasing NF-κB activation. Bin Y, Xiao Y, Huang D, Ma Z, Liang Y, Bai J, Zhang W, Liang Q, Zhang JQ, Zhong X, He ZY. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2018 Oct 25. doi: 10.1152/ajplung.00005.2018.
[3] Lima NDS, Numata EP, Mesquita LMS, Dias PH, Vilegas W, Gambero A, Ribeiro ML. Modulatory Effects of Guarana (Paullinia cupana) on Adipogenesis. Nutrients. 2017 Jun 20;9(6). pii: E635. doi: 10.3390/nu9060635.
[4] Harrold JA, Hughes GM, O’Shiel K, Quinn E, Boyland EJ, Williams NJ, Halford JC. Acute effects of a herb extract formulation and inulin fibre on appetite, energy intake and food choice. Appetite. 2013 Mar;62:84-90. doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2012.11.018. Epub 2012 Dec 1.
[5] Krewer Cda C1, Ribeiro EE, Ribeiro EA, Moresco RN, da Rocha MI, Montagner GF, Machado MM, Viegas K, Brito E, da Cruz IB. Habitual intake of guaraná and metabolic morbidities: an epidemiological study of an elderly Amazonian population. Phytother Res. 2011 Sep;25(9):1367-74. doi: 10.1002/ptr.3437. Epub 2011 Feb 22.
[6] Astorino TA, Martin BJ, Schachtsiek L, Wong K, Ng K. Minimal effect of acute caffeine ingestion on intense resistance training performance. Minimal effect of acute caffeine J Strength Cond Res. 2011 Jun;25(6):1752-8. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0b013e3181ddf6db.